本帖最后由 FxTrading 于 2016-5-16 12:52 编辑
节目简介:《百万美金交易员》是英国广播公司在2009年播出的一辑真人秀节目。由国际金融名人、对冲基金经理、金融教育家—— 莱克斯·范登(Lex van Dam)先生设计的。节目中重新进行了理查德·丹尼斯(Richard Dennis)在20世纪80年代的著名的海龟交易实验。
Million Dollar TradersEpisode 3 of 3
Eight ordinary people are given $1million, a fortnight of intensive training and two months to run their own hedge fund. Can they make a killing?
The experiment reveals the inner workings of a City trading floor. The money is supplied by hedge fund manager Lex Van Dam: he wants to see if ordinary people can beat the professionals, and he expects a return on his investment too. Yet no-one foresees the financial crisis that lies ahead.
The traders were selected in spring 2008, before the US credit crisis gathered pace. The successful candidates were chosen, trained and dispatched to their specially created trading room in the heart of the Square Mile. Among them are an environmentalist, a soldier, a boxing promoter, an entrepreneur, a retired IT consultant, a vet, a student and a shopkeeper.
The novice city traders are struggling to make it in the midst of a global credit crunch. With just a couple of weeks to go, the gap between those who are trading well and those who are not widens, and Lex Van Dam takes decisive action against the weakest in the group. By close of trading on the final day just three traders are left, but will they manage to make Lex a profit? |